Will we be able to boost 5G on 700Mhz in the UK

Will we be able to boost 5G on 700Mhz in the UK jpg
Will we be able to boost 5G on 700Mhz in the UK jpg

Can I boost UK 5G 700Mhz?

Let’s first look at how the new 700 MHz frequency 5G range in the UK is shared by the networks, this will help identify the frequency range you need to boost for your handset, more importantly let’s look at how 700MHz can help ensure you have better signal in your building by virtue of its technical make up.

5G is a result of changes in habits over the 2019 to 2021 period, our daily use of mobile data on mobile devices, phones, laptops and ipads means the need for high speed data is not only in the London financial district but across the farming community and remote working areas of England, Scotland and Wales.  Ofcom has auctioned off the 700MHz to meet this public need.

Broadcasting on 700 Mhz will help meet our demands for faster, better and reliable mobile signal and speeds. The new spectrum will help ensure we have the best mobile signal possible outdoors and indoors,  the stronger signal will also help the input for any mobile signal booster installation that may be needed if you have thick stone walls, mass concrete or insulation blocking the signal coming into the house.

First, the technical part, In April 2021 Ofcom awarded the 700 – 800 MHz range to the winning UK mobile networks. This opens the way for 5G to become mainstream within the next 2 years as the networks launch base stations boosting their part of the 700Mhz spectrum across 99% of the UK.  

UK Ofcom awards 700MHz frequency to these networks

Any amplifiers installed will need to be compatible with these frequencies, programmable via the local app means that you can amend any installed boosters when the 5G reaches your area.

  • EE Mobile Network was awarded 723-733 MHz and 778-788 MHz;738-758 MHz
  • Three Network was awarded  713-723 MHz & 768-778 MHz.
  • O2 UK Network the  703-713 MHz and 758-768 MHz
  • Vodafone, probably the UK’s largest network, went with the 3720-3760 MHz allowing them to carry a higher volume of traffic but perhaps at the cost of distance!

Almost £1.4 BILLION was raised by the government in the awarding of the licenses so the networks will be looking to recoup their investment in the infrastructure. People in general do not mind paying for the network access and high speeds, they do however feel the need to ensure the network covers them no matter their location. 

3 main factors cause problems for network coverage

  • Urban network issues can mean dropped calls, where the networks are overloaded and insulation block signals indoors are commonplace even in urban cities.
  • Rural network issues means poor mobile phone signals, where the range does not extend to areas often miles from the main base stations
  • Insulated home blocks mobile signals – the fact we conserve energy now means the signal can no longer make it inside the home and home offices.

Thankfully the 700MHz range has 

  1. A far greater reach and permeability then the previous higher frequencies. It is similar to a watering can at home, the higher the frequency the higher the number of holes for the water to escape, meaning 700MHz will travel much further then 2600Mhz while watering the garden!!
  2. The signal will penetrate through mass concrete and stone walls better than before, it has less loss as it travels so it has a stronger signal when it arrives at the building.

This has the advantage of meaning that even if you have signal issues inside your home, office or building that there is now a strong enough outdoor signal for a mobile booster to work and be able to send signals to all the rooms of your home or office.

The old spectrum, which is the frequency bands that Ofcom compliant networks and other institutions to send, SMS, MMS, data voice and even TV over looked like the chart below for the 4 main UK mobile networks. 

The launch of 5G across the world has the effect of changing how businesses compete, how the workforce engages and indeed in recent times we have seen the exodus from the urban residential areas to more rural areas where commuter times are lower and lifestyles often found to be better! Faster connectivity can only happen when that connection carries inside the building, when it does not then install a 5G mobile signal booster, fully compliant with Ofcom regulations and using the latest technology available in the industry!

MSS, Mobile signal solutions can help you choose the best mobile signal booster for you by completing a survey to identify the frequency being broadcast in your area, this can vary from voice, 3G, 4G and 5G. From this we can help identify the strength of the booster as well as the frequency needed for you to enjoy full indoor coverage for you and your business!